职场口语主题:职场社交口语话题【65--他们心悦诚服吗? 】 Mary: That's right. And I'm going to be Vice President of Marketing. 玛莉: 没错。 而我将会是行销部的副总裁。 Dave: 1) Way to go, Mary. A lot has happened during the last few months, hasn't it? 戴夫: 有一套,玛莉。 过去几个月还真发生了不少事,对吧? Mary: 2) You can say that again! 玛莉: 我遥同意! Dave: What's up with Vince and Elvin? 戴夫: 文斯跟艾文怎么样? Mary: They work for Zina now. 玛莉: 他们遥是吉娜的手下。 Dave: And they're happy with that? 戴夫: 那他们心悦诚服吗? Mary: 3) They're in awe of her. After they saw how she crushed WebTracker. . . but I guess you know all about that. 玛莉: 他们很敬畏她。 在他们目睹她如何搞垮“网路搜寻家”之后. . . . . . 但我想那你全都知道。
--------------------------------------------------语言详解A: That's a classy car! 那台车真棒! B: Yeah, it belongs to the president. 是啊,那台车是总载的。 【What's up with. . . ? ……是怎么了? 】这个句型可以用来询问人的状况,通常是你发现对方有啥不对劲的时候。 A: What's up with him? 他是怎么回事? B: He and his girlfriend just split up. 他跟女朋友刚分手。 你也可以用这个句型来问事物。 A: What's up with the new air conditioner? 这台新冷气机是怎么回事? B: The other one broke, so I went and bought this one. 另一台坏掉了,所以我去买了这台新的。 1) Way to go. “有一套。 ”这句短语是用来称赞他人的表现。 2) You can say that again. 我再同意不过了。 这句话是用来表达对他人说的话心有戚戚焉。 3) be in awe of. . . 对……心存敬畏