给自己设定新的目标“凡事预则立,不预则废”。 新的一年就快到了,你给自己定了什么目标? 是升职? 是参加某个培训? 还是把懒惰扔得远远的,开始健身? 先一起听听午休时来自某office的谈论吧。 Jack: Congratulate me, Lucy! I've bought a house so I can marry my girlfriend this year.
啊,恭喜你! Jack: Now I have to work harder and harder at my life goals.
为了我的“终生目标”,我要更加努力地工作了。 Lucy: Life goals? To give your girlfriend a happy life? Good man!
“终生目标”? 让你女朋友过幸福生活吗? 真是个好男人! Jack: No, I don't care about her that much. I'm only thinking about paying back the house loan. What's your goal, Lucy?
不是,我还没想那么多。 我只是想还清买房的遥。 Lucy,你的目标是什么? Lucy: I have three goals this year. One is to be healthier and more beautiful.
今年我有3个目标,一个是更健康,更漂亮。 Do you have a life goal? What's your goal this year? If you do, then achieve it. 不想当将遥的士兵不是好兵,不想升职的员工也不能成为精英。 老板有诸多激励方式,吊着人的胃口。 员工自己可得保持冷静头脑,不能为难自己,给自己定一个跳一跳就能够得着的目标即可,有成就感才有劲头继续往前奔啊。 Set high, yet achievable goals for yourself. NOTE:pay back: 偿还。 pay back the house loan,还房子的遥;pay back还有还情意的意思,如“How can he pay people back for all their kindness? ”(他又该如何报答大家对他的好意呢? )