经理新官上任易犯错误(下)Myth 3: Managers must control their direct reports. 错误观念3:经理必须控制下属。 New managers, insecure in their roles, often seek absolute compliance to orders from their subordinates, particularly in their early days. 新任经理们对自己的角遥还没有安全感,他们常常会要求下属遥对服从命令,特别是在上任伊始。 But what they learn over time is that 'compliance' is not the same as 'commitment. ' 不过,他们会慢慢地学到一点,那就是服从命令不等于有责任感。 'If people aren't committed, they don't take the initiative,' writes Ms. Hill. 'And if subordinates aren't taking the initiative, the manager can't delegate effectively. 希尔写道,如果人们没有责任感,他们就不会积遥主动;如果下属不积遥不主动,经理就无法遥地把工作委派给下属。 The challenge for managers is to nurture a strong sense of common commitment to shared goals rather than one of blind allegiance to the managers' dictates. 经理们面临的挑战是培养下属们实现共同目标的强烈共同责任感,而不是盲目服从指挥。 Myth 4: Managers must focus on forging good individual relationships. 错误观念4:经理们必须注重培养良好的个人关系。 Ms. Hill says managers need to focus not on friendship, but on building a team. 希尔说,经理们不应把精力放在建立友谊上,而是要创建团队。 'When new managers focus solely on one-on-one relationships, they neglect a fundamental aspect of effective leadership: harness the collective power of the group to improve individual performance and commitment,' she writes. 'By shaping team culture the group's norms and values a leader can unleash the problem-solving prowess of the diverse talents that make up the team. '她写道,当新上任的经理只关心一对一的关系时,他们就会忽视遥遥导的一个基本方面,即利用团队的集体力量来提高个人业绩和责任感;通过影响团队文化(团队的准则和价值),遥导者可以激发团队中各类人才解决问题的能力。 Myth 5: The manager's job is to ensure things run smoothly. 错误观念5:经理的工作是遥事情顺利进行。 Keeping an operation running smoothly is a difficult task, and can absorb all of a new manager's time and energy. But if that's all the manager does, writes Ms. Hill, he or she is making a big mistake. 保持业务顺利进行是项艰巨的任务,可能会耗费一位新任经理的全部时间和精力。 不过希尔写道,如果经理做的只有这些,那他就大错特错了。 'New managers also need to realize they are responsible for recommending and initiating changes that will enhance their groups' performance,' she writes. 'Often and it comes as a surprise to most this means challenging organizational processes or structures that exist above and beyond their area of formal authority. Only when they understand this part of the job will they begin to address seriously their leadership responsibilities. '她写道,新任经理还需要意识到他们有责任提出并发起能改善团队业绩的各种改变;常常,也是出乎大部分人意料的是,这意味着挑战他们正式职权范围以外的组织程序或是组织结构。 只有当他们明白这点的时候,才能开始严肃地对待自己的遥导责任。