如果不让你说I think,那你可咋办啊?“我会发着呆然后微微笑接着紧紧闭上眼……I think”"I think"口语中用到停不下来,那感觉就跟中文中总爱说“然后,然后”一样令人感到啰嗦单调。 遥就传授给大家一套表达观点的替换词,是时候让你们用了几十年的“ I think”下班歇歇了。 1 In my opinion / view通常用来讨论较重要的事情In my view, our performances at the moment have been affected by tiredness. 在我看来, 我们此刻的表现都是因为太累了。 2 It seems to meAll things considered常用来表达经过深思熟虑后的意见It seems to me that this crime was foreseeable and that this death was preventable. 在我看来,这起犯罪本来是可以预见的,受害者的死也是可以避遥的。 All things considered, I think we made a wise choice in recruiting James. 遥考虑后,我觉得录用詹姆斯是一个明智的选择。 3 I suspect that . . . 表示疑心(较肯定、正向语气)It implies to the listener that they could disagree and you wouldn’t be offended. 这个短语通常暗示对方,你可能并不同意他的观点但你并不觉得这么说会冒犯。 I suspect that he was lying. 我疑心他在说谎。 4 I wonder if . . . 表述一个你认为可能正确的想法It says you’re contemplating if your statement is correct, and encouraging the listener to tell you their opinion. 这个短语通常用来表达自己的观点同时鼓励对方告诉你他们的意见。 I wonder if you'd be kind enough to call him. 请你给他打个电话好吗? 5 To be honestTo tell you the truthTo be frank如果需要说些不讨喜的话To tell you the truth, your plan is unrealistic. 恕我直言, 你的计划不太现实。 To be honest, the house is not quite our style. 说实话,这房子我们不太喜欢。 To be frank, I don’t like him. 坦白讲,我不太喜欢他。