by BFVLocation: Somewhere next to that place
Age: 21Sex : M
previous entry : All U need is coffee and a bed. . . . . . . .
God I need U nancy. . . . . 12/21/2001
Another nite spent alone, needing Nancy by my side.
I saw my sister after band practice last nite. She's been referred by the psychologist she saw to a psychotherapist. . . . . . . another 6 month wait before she even begins to get better. I can't take it any more.
Much as she psses me off and much as I wish she'd grow up, she's my little sister. And seeing her drugged up with anti-depressants etc just made me cry. I tucked her in bed last night cos she felt sicka nd got her a glass of orange juice, then I went upstairs to cry.
All the time wanting to call Nancy, knowing that her words would comfort me, even if she physically couldn't. But I didn't make the call. I knew that it would wake her, and despite her saying it would be ok, I couldn't burden her with my unhappiness at 12:30 in the morning.
I'm seeing ehr for a drink tonite, haven't seen her all week. I really miss her. I know she's been in a bit of a bad mood, and this is her last week at her job. then she has two weeks to sort out a flat and get ready to move back up north. oh, and maybe spend christmas with me. (detect the somewhat selfish srcasm there? )
I hate feeling how I do at the moment. I hate knowing that I'm barely gonna see her, for god knows how long. I hate the fact that I've spent the past 3 months worryign instead of enjoying and now I can't turn back time and do the things I've wanted to do, and know it doesn't really matter.
I guess an apt lyric would be of Linkin Park's In the end (来源:2HZZ常识网 http://www. 2hzz. com)
I tried so hard, an got so far.
But in the end it doesn't even matter.
I had to fall, to lose it all,
An' in the end, it doesn't even matter
I think this a return to my old self. I think I'm gonna end this entry here and go an' do something happy.