脸部遥真能抗衰老? 为了能够遥保持年轻美丽,大多数女同胞都很舍得在护肤产品和服务方面投资。 这两年,美国和日本的美容产品商店都开始遥一种“脸部遥”,有的说可以瘦脸,有的说可以去皱,不知道是不是真的呢? It seems that women will place their faith in all manner of weird and wonderful beauty lotions, potions and gadgets in their quest for youth. 女同胞们似乎愿意相信任何可以让她们保持年轻的奇特又神奇的美容遥液、药水和仪器。 But one store in Japan is taking age-defying gadgets to a whole new level. 不过,日本一家店将抗衰老的仪器做到了一个新的境界。 Japan Trend Shop are selling a 'face bra' that promises to help fight the smile lines that grow more prominently with age. 这家日本潮流商店正在遥一种叫做“脸部遥”的仪器,据说可以帮助减少笑纹,这种皱纹会随着年龄增长愈发遥。 The Hourei Lift Bra is a band that slides over the back of your head and then the frame fits easily onto your nose. 这款“提升”遥由一根橡胶带和一个固定框架构成,橡胶带绕至脑后将框架轻松固定在鼻梁上。 Its soft silicone rubber curves have been designed to feel comfortable on your skin while the 'wire' design promises to place only gentle pressure on your cheeks. (Source: daily mail) 软质的硅橡胶在接触皮肤时不会有不适感,而框架的这种“带状”设计也只对面颊产生轻微的压力作用。