A 5-day break SO GLAD Observations on Life
by a southern girlLocation: down south
Age: 24Sex : F
previous entry : Christmas Moo-lah and stuff that sucks
A 5-day break11/20/2001
I am officially off work for five days now. . . . ahhhh. It's so wonderful knowing I don't have to go back for that long. I got everything I needed to get done for tomorrow finished today, and I was out of there by 5:20. Traffic was hell, but I made it home by 6. Later than usual, but considering it's my last day of work for almost a week, it was okay.
Towel Man brought another vendor to set up in my office today at like 4:15. I did NOT have time to deal with it, so I told Big J, look what he gave me to do. He said, oh I haven't talked to him yet about that-sorry, and went and did it right then. Yay for Big J! ! ! So no more crap from Mr. Towel Man from now on.
We had our Thanksgiving lunch at work today, it was sooooo good! I was stuffed all afternoon. Combine that with the warmth from my space heater, and I was so wanting to go to sleep. For some stupid reason our air is still on, hello it was only 60F outside today! Not like it's hot in there!
Tomorrow I am going shopping. I can't wait! I love to shop, too much if you look at my credit card balance! I do have cash to spend tomorrow, so I am going to TRY to be as good as possible. Only using my small balance limit credit cards if I have to. I am going to pay them off with my Christmas bonus, so that'll be okay to use them I guess.
Oh well I guess I didn't really have as much to say as I thought I did. I'm sorry to all of you who have to work tomorrow, that really sucks for you (and I'm not trying to be mean by saying that, it would really suck if I had to work tomorrow too. ) Part of the reason I took tomorrow off was last year, the day before Thanksgiving, I had to work late-till like 6. Usually we get to leave around 3 before holidays. I was really pissed at Big J, because it was because of his procrastination that we had to work so late. That wasn't happening again this year. Okay so anyway, I hope everyone who has to work has an easy day and gets to go home early. (来源:2HZZ常识网 http://www. 2hzz. com)
If I dont' get to do another entry before Thursday, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! ! ! :)