by ChristleLocation: Great Britain
Age: 46Sex : F
previous entry : Misunderstandings and surprises.
Alternators and altering boyfriends! 10/6/2001
Mom rang a short while ago and said she has been out to the shops on the scooter. She sounded much more cheerful and said she realises she has to push herself to go out, and that she does feel much better for the fresh air. I have never before known mom to be down and depresssed and it has been quite a shock.
The football is on the television, England versus Greece, hence the reason I am sitting upstairs using my computer! My views on football are well known! I gave up trying to talk to hubby, who amazingly has managed to finish work early today, funny that when there is a match on! He is so glued to the game that he hardly notices my presence, so I thought I would sneak away and do my own thing.
We had quite a thunder storm earlier on today, I had just brought in my washing when the heavens opened and it absolutely poured down! The weather didn`t brighten up all morning so I thought it no point leaving my washing hanging out as no way would it dry. What is odd though is that now just a few hours after the storm the sky is blue and the sun is shining! Odd weather we have lately.
Daughter wasn`t happy with her boyfriend. He was meant to ring her last night to say where he and his friends would be for their evening on the town so that they could meet up later, but he forgot. Emma went out with her friends but no sign of her errant boyfriend which did not please her one little bit. She is feeling rather insecure at present in any case having gone back to university, she seems to think that he will not bother about her being away and isn`t happy to see her on her return. This is actually not the case, and is evidentally not true, but she just cannot see it. She went round to his house and gave him a right telling off, making him burn the bacon he was cooking for breakfast! He did rather a lot of grovelling I believe, and has now promised to visit her in the week at university and take her for a meal tomorrow! She has been treated rather badly in the past by boyfriends, and can`t realise that this one does actually think a lot of her, and will not treat her badly like the others did. Up to him to ensure she realises that. (来源:英语学习门户 http://www. 2hzz. com)
Our car is being mended at the moment, it has been playing up the the past couple of weeks and we kept getting conflicting advice as to whether it was the alternator or the fan belt. On Tuesday when we went to the pub for the quiz night we got in the car to come home and it wouldn`t start at all, so we had to walk home. Luckily it isn`t too far, though far enough for me! Hubby had to go round and take the battery off, carry it home and put it on charge, then fit it back on and drive the car home. He managed to get an alternator yesterday and a friend who is a mechanic is fitting it as I write. Now we are just hoping that everybody is right, and that it is actually the alternator and nothing else!
Right I`m off the try and wrap up the biggest dog bed in the world for son`s new puppy for his birthday on Monday. I`ve got 5 rolls of paper, only hope it is enough! ! !