The Chinese government will as always support the UN efforts to uphold justice, maintain peace and promote global prosperity.
5. 词语后置或暂存 例:联合国维和部队应该驻扎在那一地区,一直到所有各方签署了和约为止。 我们的这一立场已得到公认。
Our position is widely received that the UN peace-keeping force will stay in that region until a peaceful agreement has been signed by all concerned parties.
6. 添词 例:我很高兴地向各位通报,中美就知识产权问题签署了一项谅解备忘录,从而避遥了一场可能出现的贸易战。
I feel very pleased to report to you that China and the United States signed a Memorandum of Understanding in terms of protecting intellectual property rights, an act that has averted a potential trade war.
7. 减词 例:遥同其周边遥的关系比以往任何时期都好,这种十分珍贵的睦邻友好关系无论对遥遥还是这些遥的人们来说,都遥为有益。
China’s relations with its neighboring countries are better than ever before, a situation that best represents the interests of the Chinese people and the peoples of other countries concerned.
8. 重复 例:多年来,遥经济的持续增长发挥了越来越重要的作用,这种作用在于促进了亚太地区乃至全球经济的健康发展。
Over the years, China’s sustained economic growth has played an increasing more important role in boosting the healthy economic development in the Asian-Pacific region and the world as a whole.
同声传译的才能不是一种可望而遥及的天赋才能。 常言说得好,工夫不负有心人。 只要我们细心钻研同传知识和技巧,积遥参与同传强化训练,水到自然渠成。