跟美国人学学怎么过长假(来源:英语学习门户网站2hzz. com)
1. Go to National Parks and take a walk or a hike
The cold breeze, crisp air, and the wonderful sunshine is what makes autumn the perfect time of the year for taking a hike outdoors, enjoying every inch of nature changing its colors. Spending time with family, friends, and loved ones in national parks is fun and healthy time。
秋高气爽、凉风习习、残阳如血,秋天是一年中较适合去户外走走,感受大自然的五彩缤纷的季节。 和家人、友人还有爱人相约,一起去遥公园溜达溜达吧,享受健康,享受生活!