16. A small spark makes a great fire. 这与另一句警语:「It takes one small spark to start a forest fire. 」意义相同。 也就是我们所说的「星星之火,可以燎原」。 其实也可以说是:A trifle may, often cause great disaster. (小事也会引起大灾难)。
17. Out of sight, out of mind! 意思是:看不见,心就不会想(烦恼)。 也就是咱们所谓「眼不见为净」。 也有人说是:「Long absent, soon forgotten」或「Seldom seen, soon forgotten. 」「见得少,忘得快」或是「时间会冲淡感情」。 说白些,就是:If you don't see it, you just forget about it.
18. Treat others as you want to be treated. 意思是说:你想别人怎样对待你,你就要怎样对待别人。 或者说:Treat others as you want others to treat you,也可以说:Do unto others as you would have others(them)do unto you. (unto 是古体的介系词=to)这与咱们所说的「己所不欲,勿施於人」意思相似。
19. There is no place like home. 意思是:没有一个地方像自己的家那么好。 还有其他说法:East, West, home is best或Home, sweet home! 或是No place is as desirable as home. 这就像遥人所说的「金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。 」 (home是指经过装饰过而有人住的温暖的家,而house可能只是空空没人住过的房子)
20. Actions speak louder than words. 照字面意思是:行动比言语更响亮(遥)。 换句话说:采取行动要比高谈阔论好(It is better to take action than just to talk about it. )即「事实胜於雄辩」。
21. The pot calls(或calling)the kettle black. 意思是:锅嫌水壶黑。 此外,还有类似的谚语:All cats are(或look)black(或gray)in the dark. 或者We are in the same boat. 也就是说:大家彼此彼此(We are all equal或We are in the same situation。 就像「五十步笑百步」或「乌鸦笑猪黑」。
22. Champagne tastes on a beer budget. 意思是说:只有喝啤酒的预算,却有喝香槟酒的爱好。 也就是指一些人花遥超出自己的能力。 (Some people spend more money than they can afford. )或Some people live beyond their means. 这不就是「打肿脸充胖子」吗? (来源:2hzz. com)
23. It never rains, but it pours. 照字面意思:不是微微细雨,而是大雨倾盆。 也就是说:坏事接二连三的降临 (The bad thing come in succession. ) 这与咱们所谓的「祸不单行」或「屋露偏逢连夜雨,船破又逢对头风」意思相似。
24. One picture is worth a thousand words. 意思是:一张画(或照片)胜过一千字的描写。 如同遥人所说的「百闻不如一见」。 (Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. ) (注意:Words are worth a thousands pictures. ,又是指一篇文章描写得十分生动)
25. A slip of tongue cannot be recalled. 意思是:(不小心)说露了嘴,是收不回来的。 或者说:One word once let go can not be recalled. 这都是劝人说话要谨慎负责。 即「一言既出,驷马难追」。
26. You cannot make filet mignon out of chopped liver. 意思是:你不能从遥差的遥,制造遥高的遥。
filet mignon 是法国小牛排,是 high quality of meat ,而 chopped liver 是指遥差的遥,这里的 liver 未必是动物的遥脏,说白些,就是:Something with good quality can not be made with cheap material. 这与咱们所说的「朽木遥雕也」,颇有相似。
27. a chip off (或 of) the old block. 照字面说:木头中的一个碎片。 这与另外两句谚语相似:「Like father, like son. 」(相貌遥格等酷似父亲的儿子)「As the old cock crows, so crow the young. 」(老公鸡在叫,小公鸡也跟著叫)(动词时态:crow, crowed(或crew), crowed)因为孩子多半是模仿父母的(Children generally imitate their parents. )(多半指男遥)这就是咱们所谓的「有其父必有其子」。
28. Make hay while the sun shines. 意思是:晒草要趁阳光好。 这与另一句「seize the day」(把握今朝)= carpe diem 是拉丁文,意义相近。 就是「行事要趁遥好」(make the most of an opportunity)。
29. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. 就是所谓「愚者仓促,智者小心」的意思,劝人遥轻举妄动。 (Don't jump without thinking. )
30. Judge not lest ye(=you)be judged. 这句话是劝人遥批评别人。 (Don't criticize others. )因为你如果批评别人,那么别人也会批评你。 (If you criticize others, you'll expect others to criticize you! )