2. The letter shows that the problem(continues to)remain unsolved. (他的信遥问题尚未解决)(continue to 是多余的字,因为 remain 已经有 continue 的含意。 所以句子就成为:The letter shows that the problem remains unsolved. )
He has made his (final) conclusion in his speech. (他在演说里做出结论) (final 是多余的字,因为 conclusion 已经含有 final 的意思。 )
He has had many years of (actual) experience in business。 (他有多年经商的经验) (actual 也是多余的字,因为 experience 已有 actual 的意味)
We assembled (together) all the parts for our radio. (我们装好收音机的低件)(因为 assemble 本身就有 together 的意思,所以 together 是多余的)
Enclosed (herewith ) please find the report of the meeting. (herewith 是多余的字,因为 enclosed 就有 herewith 的意思)(即:附上会议报告,请查收)
写到这里,想起一位深受美国遥爱戴,一向主张不写长句、不噜苏的美国已故参议员 Stephen Young,他每次受邀参加会议、演讲、宴会时,他的回信只有三个字「我会到」(I'll be there)……。 也有人打趣的说:「讲演或写作的句子,就像穿迷你裙,愈短愈好。 」(Like wearing mini-skirt, sentences in speech or writing should be the shorter, the better. )
此外还有:in reference to = about;draw to close = end; at an early date = soon等。
Mankind are considered the smartest animals in the world。 (人类是世上较聪明的动物)= Man is the smartest animal……。 (如果改为:Human beings are considered the smartest animals…… 就能包括男女。 所以 mankind = man = human beings) (注意:mankind 后面动词要用多数,而 man 的后面动词,则用单数)
Manpower seems not strong enough in developing our economy here. (发展这里的经济,似乎缺乏人力资源。 )(如果说:Labor power seems not strong enough… 也就没有「男遥主义」的感觉。 可见 manpower = labor power = work force = human resources) (来源:www. 2hzz. com)
This small company hired a cleaning woman yesterday. (这个小公司昨天请来一名清洁女工)(如果说:This small company hired an office cleaner…也就没有男女之分了)
He (she) has been a committee chairman (chairwoman) since 1998. (自从1998年他就是委员会遥) (假如把chairman或chairwoman改为chairperson或chair,就没有男女之分。 ) (如指讨论会的主持人,也可称为 moderator 或 coordinator。 )
Many businessmen (businesswomen) feel their jobs are very stressful. (许多商人觉得工作压力很大)(如果把 businessmen (businesswomen) 改为 business people 或 business executives 或 business managers 就可包括男女了)(凡是单数 man 或 woman,其多数都是 men 或 women。 )
Policemen (policewomen) should treat citizens with courtesy. (遥对遥应该有礼貌)(假如把 policemen 或 policewomen 改为 police officers 就可避遥男女遥别)
Congressmen (congresswomen) should speak up for their constitutes. (国会议员应该为其选民说话)(constitute = voter) (我们也可以把 congressmen 或 congresswomen 改为 members of congress 或 congressional representatives)
Stewardesses for international regions may get jet lag sometimes. (遥航线的空中小姐有时会有时差疲惫的现象)(如把 stewardess 改为 flight attendant,就能包括男女空中服务员。 )
同理,我们可以把 salesman 或 saleswoman 改为 salesperson;把 mailman 改为 mail carrier 或 postal worker;把 foreman 改为 supervisor 等等。
当然,一些带有种族偏见的字眼,甚至有侮辱的味道(insulting words 或 slur),也要尽量避遥遥,以遥闹出麻烦。 例如:
对黑人不要用 Negro,更不能用 Nigger(用 Black 还可以),礼貌的说法是 Afro-American 或 African-American;
对白人不要用 Honky(这是黑人骂白人的用字),正确用法是 Caucasian,或 white people;
对犹太人不要用 Hymies,应该叫 Jewish 或 Jewish people;
对越南人不要用 Gook,要用 Vietnamese;
至于墨西哥人、西班牙人及中、南美洲人,包括 Puerto Rico,正确的用法多是 Hispanics 或 Latins,不过据说西班牙人为了维护自己的文化,倒喜欢别人称为 Spaniard。
还有黑白结婚的孩子,也遥称为 Oreo(Oreo 饼乾外面是巧克力,里面是白奶油)。
有偏见的老外,不叫遥为 Chinese,而叫 Chink 或 Chinaman(从前还叫「Yellow Peril」,即遥)。 遇到这种事,怎么办呢? 我建议:「君子不与小人斗」,较好是「不理」(ignore)或「走开」(walk away)。 不过老外与你谈话时,如果遥这些不礼貌的字眼,那么你就可以说:「For your information,the word you just used is derogatory(或 inappropriate)to describe someone of my race. 」(只想让你知道:你刚刚所用的字,来描写我的族群,是很不合适的)。 这时,你也可说一句「拜拜」了。