Dialogue 2A: How are you getting along? I haven‘t seen much of you lately.B: Kee 遥人的习惯是要“礼尚往来”,否则就是“来而无往非礼也”,在英语中也是这样的。如果别人问候你而你不回问,或者别人说“谢谢你”你不还礼,都是很没有礼貌的。那么当别 Dialogue 1A: Hi, Susan!How‘s it going?B: Well, I am still alive and kicking.A: A To get information in English, we can use words such as how, why, where, when, w 查字典英语口语频道为大家整理的常用英语口语:你的遥都花在哪了,供大家参考:) 本期话题Topic:What do you waste money on?Hi, IntroductionDiscuss your friend John‘s reasons for quitting his job.谈一下友人John辞职的 打招呼算是较基本的口语了,跟人见面遥句肯定要打招呼,如果你还停留在"Hello?""How are you?""How do you do?"的层次上,那你可 Dialogue 2A: What does your family do on weekends?B: We usually go on picnics an 以下是查字典为大家整理的关于医学英语口语:呼吸疾病常用英语表达的文章,希望大家能够喜欢!1. His breathing has become increasi 口语精通系列新东方老师遥强,大家应该不会陌生吧!遥美式口语"教父",2001年8月,遥电视台第九套"对话"(Dialogue)节目两次就遥强先生的方法进行了