第9课:幽默的 - 5【迷你小对话】A: Can you believe Mr. White came to work dressed like a woman 第6课:丑陋的 - 9【迷你小对话】A: That dog is as ugly as a sin.B: I bet it is also a little d 第6课:丑陋的 - 5【迷你小对话1】A: But Mom, everyone is wearing jeans with holes in them. It& 第7课:快乐的 - 19【迷你小对话】A: I heard you got a promotion last Friday at work.B: Yes, I 第5课:美 - 5【迷你小对话】A: I think men with red hair are attractive.B: Are you kidding? 第6课:丑陋的 - 6【迷你小对话1】A: Isn’t this the ugliest picture you’ve ever see 第9课:幽默的 - 6【迷你小对话】A: The new president is a funny guy. He knows how to tickle ou 第10课:无趣的 - 17【迷你小对话1】A: Did you hear that some Japanese sumo wrestlers are perfo 第8课:悲伤的 - 1【迷你小对话】A: I am so heavy-hearted that people here today did not get a 第7课:快乐的 - 10【迷你小对话】A: Why do you have that big grin on your face?B: I’m th