遥李华要做心理学实验,骗Larry说她中了一百万美元,看Larry会有什么样的反应。李华会学到两个常用语:grand和catch。 LH: Larry, B: I cough badly, and I have a fever of 39 degrees. The doctor prescribed some m Easy Ways to Catch More ZZZsDesperate for a good night‘s sleep? Check out our ti 英文中有很多有意思的表达,如果按字面的意思理解,真的会闹出笑话哦。I‘ll catch you another time有空再约 I can‘t meet yo "春困秋乏夏打盹,睡不醒的冬三月",坐在教室里或是办公桌前,一阵阵的睡意真难抵挡。其实,在课间或是工作空隙里小睡一下,你就能感到精神百倍啦!那么"小睡一下"怎么 Reader question: Would you please explain “catch phrase”? My comments: A catch Reader question: “It sounds like a good offer, but there may be a catch”; “Mone