(来源:http://www.2hzz.com)Language and literacy are among mankind’s greatest (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.2hzz.com) 开场Let‘s get ready for class. 准备上课。Time for class 【小编寄语】查字典英语网小编给大家整理了六年遥Unit 4《I have a pen pal》B Let’s read 教学设计,希望能给大家带 Word for the WiseMarch 01, 2007 Broadcast Topic: Ghost writersWe promised not to be was.were been let let let These are lots of books in our daily life. Some are about history, some are nove No one will deny the importance of reading. Many parents start to teach their ch Reader question:Please explain “buy in” and this sentence: Don’t always buy in t Reader question:There’s a website about China called Tea Leaf Nation. What does Li Ming is my classmate, he is always the best student in my class. The teachers