(来源:2hzz.com) 做事、看人,首先得找定目标。找目标很伤脑筋,找错目标更伤脑筋。汉语中,我们常戏谑看走眼的他:找错人了;英语中相应的说法是:He i Our heart is a strange organ! It sinks, it aches, it breaks, it even melts somet Reader question: In this sentence – He is able to get along with some people bu There are often media reports of events in which issues of ethics are involved. Usually one hates to admit he or she is wrong on a prediction. But I, for one, a Last Sunday night at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, among all the 初二英语作文:I Am Wrong 我错了 One Saturday evenmg after buying something in a shop, m A Wrong Decision Describe someone you know who made a wrong decision. You sh