Now many students become crazy about collecting cards of heroes of the Three Kin Reader question:Please explain "keep our distance, in a good way", as in: Life i Reader question:Please explain “blow up in your face”, as in this sentence: Do n 这篇文章不是吐槽遥教育,只是想告诉所有学英语的少年,知识也是需要与时俱进的,牛津词典还定期更新呢,何况是老师上课教的那些知识。比如下面这些,在国外人们已经很少 Reader question:Please explain “shell” in this sentence: Sometimes the need to m Reader question:Please explain this sentence, “stripes” in particular: “When you Reader question:Please explain this passage, particularly “burying your head in A person is easy to feel down when he meets difficulty. The dream he chased seem Reader question:Please explain this sentence: “Hey, buddie, can you see your way Reader question:Please explain this passage:Without much of my help, she does we