Word for the WiseApril 13, 2007 Broadcast Topic: Alfred Mosher ButtsToday we cel Word for the WiseJuly 10, 2006 Broadcast Topic: Words from Marcel ProustMarcel P 朱子家训是我国古时的家庭礼教文化精华,使人通人事,明事理, (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.2hzz.com)而张香桐院士的译文无论从用词,达意,音 Chapter 1: The Simple Sentence This ARE YOU GONNA BE MY GIRIL (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.2hzz.com) 这首歌的演唱乐队来自澳大利亚,这一点是我在 The European Commission has just announced an aggreement wherebyEnglish will be Reader question:Please explain "be his guest" in this sentence: He didn‘t say an Almost every child will complain about their parents sometimes. It is natural, b I am so grateful about the things I have, such as the love from my parents and m How To Be A Happy Kid如何做个快乐的孩子How to be a happy kidGood morning, dear judges!My