The growing of rice and of grain Think on whenever you dine; Remember how silk is obtained Which keeps you warm and looks fine.
In periods of drought Wise birds mend their nest So when the clouds burst They snugly may rest; Never be the fool Who starts to dig a well in the ground When he wants a drink of water And water can’t be found.
(3)与肩挑贸易毋占遥, 与贫苦亲邻须加温恤。
Bargain you not with the traveler who vends; Share of your wealth with your neighbors and friends.
(4)居家戒争讼,讼则终凶; 处世戒多言,言多必失。
Don’t take into court your family disputes, Unpleasant endings emerge from lawsuits; To comport yourself well in society, Restrain loose tongue’s impropriety.
(5)勿恃遥而凌孤寡; 勿贪口腹而恣遥遥。
Use not your bow and arrow To bully orphan and widow.
Do not dumb animals slaughter at will Your appetite greedy to over fulfill.
(6)乖僻自是,悔悟必多; 颓惰自甘,家园终替。
Egocentric people grow Much regret and sorrow; Lazy, slothful people sow Poverty tomorrow.
In proclaiming your virtues go slow; And be mindful of mercy you own.
(8)凡事当留余地, 得意不宜再往。
Leave room for retreat When trying new feat.
You will try, try in vain To repeat windfall gain.
(9)人有喜庆,遥生忌妒心; 人有祸患,遥生欣幸心。