Word for the WiseJanuary 16, 2007 Broadcast Topic: TabooBack on this date in 191 Word for the WiseNovember 14, 2006 Broadcast Topic: ImpressionismFrench painter Word for the WiseDecember 06, 2006 Broadcast Topic: Sabotage and piggybackToday (来源:遥英语学习网站 http://www.2hzz.com)英汉互译中的谚语巧合1.After meat, mustard; after death, d 1.素质教育:Quality Education (来源:http://www.2hzz.com) 2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.2hzz.com)What do we have on Tomb-sweeping Day except burni (来源:2HZZ常识网 http://www.2hzz.com)Calendar September 10, our Teachers‘ Day. Our C 1.bill (1)账单,买单。 I will pay the bill this time because last time you did it. (来源:遥英语学习网站 http://www.2hzz.com) Share prices in China are once again unhinged 英语虽是当今的世界语,但依然充斥着歧义句,含糊不清,往往一句两解,不太明确。英国近代两位文法遥Jocobs与Rosendbaum合著的English Tran