Reader question:Please explain “chosen one”, as in this sentence: He believed th Years may wrinkle the sparkle of the scratch, foam separation. On the way of l Jackie Chan, Chinese famous male actor, who enjoys great reputation all around t Gil writes: I am very happy that I am once again plucking up the courage to wri Reader question: Please explain this sentence – "One tux a term. That‘s our ide Reader question: What does the expression "one thing leads to another" mean exac 小编在学生时代,常常分不清each other 与 one another,不知道有没有人跟小编一样呢?遥,小编就把整理出来的资料分享给大家。1. 一般认为 (来源:老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.2hzz.com) 1.爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog. 2.百闻不如一见 (眼见为实)S 美国习惯用语-第227讲:Give One a Break/Break Even遥我们要给大家介绍两个以break这个字为主的习惯用语。Break这个字有许多 Dont you see the heavy smokes from the big chimneys? Dont you smell the gas fr