美国习惯用语-第62讲:eyes pop outnot even bat an eye美国英语里有不少成语和俗语和“眼睛”,就是英语里的eyes这个字有关的。今 美国习惯用语-第59讲:a fish out of waterto teach a fish how to swim 在遥的「美国习惯用语」节目里,我们要给大 美国习惯用语-第41讲:to go all outto go though hell or high water大多数的人都很钦佩那些力量充沛、勇往直前的人。这 「美国习惯用语」第十九讲To bail out Nose dive 每一种语言都反映了各个民族的文化习俗和社会发展。美国的许多成语和俗语也不例外。它们不仅表现了 We had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students t We had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students t We had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students t What do I want to do when Im older? Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone want down and out穷困潦倒 ; drop dead去死; all that jazz诸如此类; know-it-all万事通; kooky古怪 导读:《跟小小孩说英文》是一套很适合爸妈和老师遥的英文育儿书籍。包括8大生活主题食、衣、行、病、生活常规、教育、室内娱乐、户外娱乐。让你与孩子一同学习,不