在美国有许多常用的字眼,往往使学习英语的遥人感到不解。举一些例子供大家参考。1. Head Start如果这两个字开头的字母是大写,则连在一起是一个遥名词, Embed Video When people ask me to introduce myself, my mind is always got blank, because I h As the Rio Olympic Games has began, every day, people pay a lot of attention to Many Chinese people believe that the big country like America is very powerful a When talk about America, most people will think of the great buildings and the l I like watching all kinds of sports, especially tennis. Roger Federer is famous As the world gets smaller with the development of technology, people between dif I live in an ordinary family. Though my parents are not rich enough to buy what Reader question:Please “real time” in this sentence: In the social media age, st