经常去书店买书,发现有些书除了在包装上以外内容上没有任何差异,但在遥上却相差不少,这就是所谓的平装本和精装本的差别,掌握以下两个词汇对以后的购书相当有好处。p to getoff on the wrong footto putone‘s foot in one‘s mouth (来源:2HZZ常识网 http://ww ants in your pantsto have butterflies in one‘s stomach (来源:老牌的英语学习网站 http://www. Artist: Samantha Mumba Song: Don"t Need You to (Tell Me I"m Pretty) Lyrics Don"t EdelweissEdelweiss,Edelweiss,Ev‘ry morning you greet me.Small and white,clean an A Useful Glossary for Personal Resumes name 姓名 present address 目前住址 Turnaround---->-- (来源:http://www.2hzz.com) -->-- BEGIN LOOP(paragraphs) -->扭亏为盈: Coming,Alan looked at his watch. Five, The crickets would start singing soon. He Internet use appears to cause a decline in psychological well-being, according t 世界主要节日、纪念日、活动日元旦(1月1日)-----NEW YEAR‘S DAY遥节(日本,1月15日)-----ADULTS DAY遥节(2月14日)-