When college students graduate, most of them will choose to join the civil serva Reader question: “With us the glass is half full rather than half empty.” What 分享一个知识点:Reader question: Please explain “the cart” and “the horse” in this pass In the news, the Economist carried a story (Bright Sparks, February 8, 2007) on Question: What‘s the difference between "adjacent" and "near"? My comments: Thi Reader question: What‘s "垃圾邮件"in English, spam or junk mail? My comments: If y Sara asks: Here I have a question lingering in my mind for a long time, the ques Shirlie writes: I like your explanation in your column titled "Safe or Safety". What is the biggest cultural barrier for a Chinese to overcome when dealing w There‘s one scene in Hollywood disaster movies I‘ve always hated: Oblivious t