Reader question:Please explain this headline, "or else" in particular: The world The conception of money is different for the old and the young. The old generati 遥或者是假期时,朋友邀请你出去游玩,你肯定要回复他们的邀请。你知道怎么接受或者拒遥才算得体吗?先让我们来看一些有关接受的用法吧。1. I‘d love to. How‘s it going folks? I hope that you‘ve had a great time welcoming 2013 and say Reader question:Are a copycat mobile phone and a pirated one the same thing?My c 大名遥遥的社交网络Facebook以10亿美金收购了一家移动图片社交应用----Instagram,那时这家公司才13个人,传为神话。下载试用后发现确实很适合用 Reader question:In the following passage (John Kerry warns Israel could become ‘ Reader question:Please explain the title of the book “Lean In: Women, Work, and Reader question:Please explain “fight or flight moment” in this sentence: “It’s Reader question:Please explain this sentence: “Finally, his friends told him to