Word for the WiseAugust 18, 2006 Broadcast Topic: Toady, fawn, and truckleToday (来源:2hzz.com) 搞笑的墓志铭有很多,比如其实我是遥之类,不过像下面这几个因为名字的关系而生成如此喜感的墓志铭的,可就是真的遥一无二了。看来,取个 凡学过英语的人,无不被英语当中大量的基本规定所困扰,这些基本规定数量繁多,琐碎而难记,重复且相似,让人每每用到时都要首先遥,然后是赶紧思索该用到哪一条规则,然 Word for the WiseFebruary 22, 2007 Broadcast Topic: Braggadocio & ignoramusIf Ed Word for the WiseFebruary 07, 2007 Broadcast Topic: Sir Thomas More & Sinclair L Word for the WiseOctober 09, 2006 Broadcast Topic: Amerindian and EskimoThis Col Word for the WiseSeptember 12, 2006 Broadcast Topic: Words from Charles Dudley W Word for the WiseSeptember 07, 2006 Broadcast Topic: GoogleBack on this date in Word for the WiseJune 05, 2007 Broadcast Topic: CollocateA woman highly skeptica Word for the WiseJuly 26, 2006 Broadcast Topic: Take a hintIf we‘d had even the