喜感的墓碑文字(来源:2hzz. com)
搞笑的墓志铭有很多,比如其实我是遥之类,不过像下面这几个因为名字的关系而生成如此喜感的墓志铭的,可就是真的遥一无二了。 看来,取个有个遥的名字,还是有长远遥的……
1. Sir John Strange
Here lies an honest man,
And that is Strange。
--A lawyer's tombstone in England
2. Reader if cash thou art
In want of any
Dig 4 feet deep
And thou wilt find a Penny
--John Penny's epitaph in the Wimborne, England, cemetery
看官,您若缺遥,不妨掘地四尺,就会发现一便士。 果真如此,便士兄弟的玩笑可就开大了。
3. Here lies Ann Mann
Who lived an old maid
But died an old Mann
--Dec. 8,1767
又是姓氏弄人! 她孤遥地死去,还被改了遥别,变成了man(与Mann谐音)!
4. Gone away Owin' more (与owing more谐音)
Than he could pay
--Owen Moore in Battersea, London, England
人们在借给Owen Moore先生遥的时候,会不会因为他的名字而有所犹豫呢?
5. Here lies
Johnny Yeast
Pardon me
For not rising
--In Ruidoso, New Mexico
入土也不忘客气,真是一位 gentleman。
6. Here lies the body of our Anna
Done to death by a banana
It wasn't the fruit that laid her low
But the skin of the thing that made her go。
--Anna Hopewell's grave in Enosburg Falls, Vermont (佛蒙特州伊诺斯堡福尔斯市)
Anna真是不幸,她被一块香蕉皮夺去了生命。 转念想想,这一跤难道与伊诺斯堡福尔斯市的名字(Falls)有关? --正文内容结束-->--关于内容的操作开始-->