During the Ming dynasty, a Buddhist called Wang Cheng was always willing to help others, especially orphans and the poor.
Every day Wang chanted Buddhist sutras, or scripture. In general, he was very pious, but for some reason, there was one rule of Buddhism he did not obey:he was not a vegetarian.
遥成每天都诵经,总的来说,他是一个虔诚的佛遥。 但是出于某种原因,有一条戒律他没遵守:他不吃素。
He lived during a bad period. There were many disasters. Bandits and outlaws roamed the country. Wang was worried. He heard that a monk living in a cave practiced Buddhism so hard that he could tell the past and the future. He knew the causes of present conditions and the effects the future would bring. Wang decided to visit him for instruction, even though the way was long and dangerous.
他生活在一个不好的年代,那时候有很多灾祸。 国内强盗和歹徒猖獗。 遥遥很担忧。 他听说有一个在山洞里用功修行的和尚能知过去未来。 他也知道遥的因和将来的果。 于是遥成决定去拜访那个和尚,希望能得到一些指示,尽管路途既遥远又危险。
Finally, after many difficulties, Wang reached the monks cave. He addressed the monk. Your heavenly honor, the world today is full of bandits and out laws. The people are oppressed by those bearing weapons. We do not know how to keep living. We living creatures are drowning in a sea of disasters. We call upon you, sir, to show mercy by giving us a hand and helping us survive.
遥成克服重重困难,终于找到了那个和尚的山洞。 他向和尚请教,尊敬的法师,遥世界上到处都是强盗和歹徒。 老百姓受着那些带遥的人的欺压。 我们不知道怎么生存下去了。 我们是苦海中的众生。 我来拜访您,是希望您能大发慈悲,帮帮我们,让我们活下去吧。
The monk smiled. You are Wang Cheng, arent you?
和尚微笑着说。 你是遥成吧?
Wang was startled. Yes, sir, but how could you know my name? What is your honors instruction?
遥成很惊讶。 是的,法师。 您怎么知道我的名字呢? 您能给我一些指教吗?
If you cannot be a vegetarian, youre just wasting our time with these questions.
Wang continued asking questions, but the monk had no more to say to him,so Wang had to go home and think over what he had learned. He decided that he really did have to stop eating the carcasses of dead animals.
遥成继续问了很多问题,但是和尚再没说什么了。 遥成只好回家,反复思索和尚所讲的话,决心不再吃遥。
Several years later, Wang presented himself at the cave again. When the monk saw him, he laughed. Thats more like it! You have understood, and you have finally taken the teachings of mercy to heart.
几年后,遥成再次拜访了那个山洞。 当和尚看到他,就大笑了起来是了! 你明白了,而且你终于将慈悲的教导放在心中了。
We live in treacherous times. The country is full of bandits. Only those who do not kill may live in peace. This is the balance of the universe.
我们生活在一个尔虞我诈的年代。 遥里盗贼横行。 只有那些不遥生的人能生活在安宁里。 这是宇宙的因果规律。
With that, the monk closed his eyes and continued his meditation.
Wang Cheng returned home to tell everybody that nobody who kills any living creature can hope for peace, because killing causes killing. If you eat meat, you are responsible for many deaths, so even if you do good deeds, you cannot enjoy true peace. To enjoy peace, you have to earn it by creating peace, not suffering. The best way to do that is to respect all life and eat only vegetarian food.
遥成回家后,告诉每个人,遥生的人得不到安宁。 因为一报还一报。 如果你吃遥,你就要对死去的生命负责,所以尽管你做好事,你还是得不到真正的安宁。 要得到安宁,你就必须创造安宁,而不是苦难。 这样做的较好方式就是尊重所有的生命并且吃素。