放生的故事:阻止冤案的蜜蜂 One day a bartender in a tavern happened to see that there was a bee drowning in one of his kegs of liquor. He felt sorry for the little bee, so he lowered a chopstick to the bee for it to climb out on. He put the chopstick down, and watched as the bee dried out. It flapped it wings so they would dry out faster. When it was all dry again, it flew away buzzing busily.
有一天,一个酒馆里的店小二碰巧看到有一只掉进酒桶里的蜜蜂,快要淹死了。 他很同情这只小蜜蜂,于是他把一枝筷子伸过去,帮助蜜蜂出来。 他放下筷子,看着蜜蜂。 蜜蜂拍拍翅膀,这样可以干得快一点。 蜜蜂身子全干了以后, 它嗡嗡叫着飞走了 .
After that, the bartender noticed that quite a few bees were attracted by the smell of the liquor, fell in, and drowned. From then on, he kept an eye out for them, and rescued many bees.
在那之后,店小二发现有许多蜜蜂被酒味吸引,掉到桶里淹死了。 从此,他就很注意它们,救了不少蜜蜂。
This went on for many years. One day, he was startled when bailiffs from the court marched into his tavern and, without a word of explanation, handcuffed him and marched him off to the court. When he got there, he discovered that he had been framed. Some captured bandits who held a grudge against him said that the bartender was one of their gang, so the judge in charge of the case had him hauled in to behead him with the rest of them.
这样过了很多年。 一天,许多衙门里的衙役闯进他的酒馆, 二话不说就把他拷起来押送到衙门去,他大吃了一惊。 他到那里才知道他被人诬陷了。 一些被逮捕的强盗很嫉恨他,所以诬陷他是他们一伙的。 办案的官员于是把他逮捕了,还要把他和那些强盗一些处斩。
The bartender protested that he was innocent, but the bandits had already said he was guilty, so the authorities assumed he was guilty. The bartenders heart went cold as he saw the main judge pick up the red brush used for writing out the death sentence.
小二争辩着说自己是无辜的,但是那些强盗已经诬蔑他了,所以官员们都认为他犯了罪。 当看到判官拿起用来判决遥的朱笔时,他遥失望了。
Just as the main judge picked up his brush to write, a loud buzzing was heard coming closer, getting louder and louder. A great swarm of bees came flying in the window and landed on the judges red brush! The judge waved the brush to shake them off, but more and more bees came. They didnt sting, but they wouldnt go away, either.
正当判官拿起朱笔要写的时候,一阵响亮的嗡嗡声越来越近,越来越响。 一大群蜜蜂从窗户外飞来,落到判官的笔上! 判官挥了挥笔想把蜜蜂甩开,但是飞来了更多的蜜蜂。 它们并不咬他,但是它们也不飞走。
The judge thought this most extraordinary. Perhaps, he mused, These bees are here to prevent a miscarriage of justice.
判官觉得这太离奇了。 也许他想,这些蜜蜂到这里来是为了避遥一桩怨案。
At that, the main judge examined the bandits again, and found contradictions in their testimony. He grilled them over again. This time he was sure that he had almost executed an innocent man.
这样一想 ,判官就重新审问那些强盗,发现证词中有很多自相矛盾之处。 他再次拷问他们,这次他相信他差点把一个无辜的人处死。
Only when the judge called off the bartenders death sentence did the swarms of bees fly away. Then the judge asked the bartender if he knew why the bees had come to save him.
当判官宣判店小二无罪后,蜜蜂才飞走。 然后判官问店小二,他知不知道为什么蜜蜂飞来救他。
I really dont know either, your honor, but maybe its because I have saved lots of bees that almost drowned in my vats of liquor. They come to the smell ,you know, and then they fall in and cant get out. When I see that, I always save them. Now theyve come to save me, I guess, your honor.
我真的不知道,大人。 但是也许是因为我救了很多掉进酒桶的蜜蜂。 它们被酒味吸引,但是它们掉进去以后就出不来了。 如果我看到,我就会救它们。 我猜遥它们来是为了救我,大人。
This is truly wonderful! You have had a narrow escape. Always remember that you owe your life to your good deeds. Remember to do all the good deeds you can. You are sure to enjoy good fortune in the future.
太奇了! 你可是死里逃生阿。 记住,是你的善行救了你一命。 今后你要尽量做好事(翻译成尽力随缘做好事应该也可以吧)。 你以后会得到好报的。
The judges words proved true. The bartender kept doing all the good deeds he could. His business got better year after year. He lived a long, happy life, and died peacefully, a very rich man.
判官的话一点不错。 小二一直尽力做好事。 他的生意一年比一年好,成了一个大富翁。 他寿命很长,日子过得很幸福 ,较后安详去逝。