英汉对照圣经故事:亚伯拉罕 Abraham First of the Hebrew patriarchs, revered by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Genesis tells how Abraham, at 75, left Ur with his barren wife Sarai (later Sarah) and others to found a new nation in Canaan. There God made a covenant with him, promising that his descendants would inherit the land and become a great nation. Abraham fathered Ishmael by Sarahs maidservant Hagar; Sarah herself bore Isaac, who inherited the covenant. Abrahams faith was tested when God ordered him to sacrifice Isaac; he was prepared to obey but God relented. In Judaism he is a model of virtue, in Christianity he is the father of all believers, and in Islam he is an ancestor of Muhammad and a model (in Sufism) of generosity.
希伯来族长之首,为犹太教(Judaism)、遥(Christianity)和遥教所崇敬。 据《旧约。 创世记》(Genesis)所载,亚伯拉罕七十五岁时受主召唤,离开乌尔城(Ur),携带不孕的妻子撒拉(Sarai)和其他人至迦南(Canaan)建立新遥。 神与他定约,其后裔将来会继承这块土地,并成为大国。 后来亚伯拉罕果与其妻之婢女夏甲(|Hagar)生下一子以实玛利(Ishmael),之后撒拉生下嫡子以撒(Isaac)。 当主要求亚伯拉罕牺牲以撒以考验其忠诚时,他也准备遵命,但主后来态度软化了。 在犹太教里,亚伯拉罕是美德的典范;在遥里,他是所有信徒之父;在遥教里,他是遥的祖先和宽大的楷模(于苏菲教派〔Sufism〕)。