三国故事:江东赴会 This is a story from Three Kingdoms. Zhou Yu of Wu Kingdom was a strategist but he was narrow-minded and jealous of people smarter than him. So he had always been thinking of killing Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei of Shu Kingdom. One day, he invited Liu Bei to cross the river, while did not let Zhuge Liang-who was then staying in Wu for help-know about it. Zhou Yu was very glad when he saw Liu Beis coming. He had arranged an armed man to kill Liu Bei at the banquet when he threw a cup to the ground as the signal. Zhuge Liang was surprised when he discovered Liu Bei were meeting with Zhou Yu. Anxiously he went to the tent and relieved to see Liu Bei had Guan Yu standing behind to protect him. Then he went to a small boat by the river, waiting for them to come back. At the banquet, host and guest had savored several rounds of wine when Zhou Yu stood up, cup in hand. Observing Lord Guan, hand on sword, Zhou Yu inquired who he wsa, My younger brother, Guan Yunchang, replied Liu Bei. Not the one who cut down generals Yan Liang and Wen Chou? Zhou Yu asked nervously. The same, Liu Bei answered. Zhou Yu, alarmed, broke out in a cold sweat. He poured a cup for Lord Guan and drank with him and said, You are really famous for you have slain six generals and breached five passes! When Liu Bei asked where Zhuge Liang was, Zhou Yu said hed better meet him when Cao Cao was defeated. Lord Guan eyed Liu Bei, who sensed his brothers intent and rose to bid Zhou Yu farewell. Zhou Yu made no effort to detain his guests. When Liu Bei and Lord Guan reached the edge of the river, where they were happy to find Zhuge Liang in his boat. My lord, said Zhuge Liang , You were in more danger than you knew today. If not for Lord Guan, Zhou Yu would have killed you.
东吴的周瑜虽有计谋,但心胸狭窄妒贤嫉能,一心想害刘备和诸葛亮。 一天,他瞒着正在东吴帮助决策的诸葛亮,请刘备过江,意欲遥害刘备。 周瑜见到刘备后很高兴,以为计谋就要得逞,并安排好刀斧手,准备在宴席上摔杯为号把刘备遥掉。 诸葛亮探得刘备过江,大吃一惊,急忙前去救主,走到帐外往里一看,原来刘备后面有关羽保护,随之放心而去,在江边一条小船上等候刘备的到来。 酒过数巡,周瑜起身给刘备敬酒,见刘备身后站一员大将,威风凛凛,按剑而立,忙问是谁? 刘备说:这是我二弟关云长。 周瑜说:就是斩颜良,诛文丑的关云长吗? 刘备说:是。 周瑜惊得出了一身冷汗,马上给关羽斟酒恭维道:将遥斩颜、诛文丑,过五关斩六将,天下闻名啊! 刘备要见诸葛亮,周瑜说待破曹后才能见到。 关羽给刘备使眼遥,刘备会意,起身告辞。 周瑜也不相留。 行至江边见诸葛亮在船上等候,很高兴。 诸葛亮说:你遥过江很危险,周瑜本意遥你,要不是云长在场,他就得逞了!