

少儿英语小故事:The Yardman

2016-02-26 00:00:00浏览:
少儿英语小故事:The Yardman  英语网整理《少儿英语小故事:Hospitals》,供大家参考、交流。
  少儿英语小故事:The Yardman   The yardman comes every two weeks.
He drives a gray pickup truck.
The truck is a Ford.
It is about 15 years old, but it runs well.
It doesnt burn oil, and it gets decent gas mileage.
The yardmans name is Byron.
  In the back of his truck are a lawn mower, a leaf blower, a rake, and a shovel.
Byron uses the leaf blower to blow leaves and dirt from the back of the building out to the front of the building.
Then he rakes up the leaves into a bag.
He blows the dirt out into the street.
He cuts the lawn with his lawn mower.
He trims the hedge.
He uses the leaf blower to blow the dirt off each Welcome mat that lies in front of each apartment door.
  Then he puts all the leaves, the grass trimmings, and the hedge clippings into a wheelbarrow.
He pushes the wheelbarrow to the back of the building, where he uses his big shovel to empty the wheelbarrow contents into the big dumpster.
It takes Byron about two hours to do this work.
  When he is done, he goes half a block up the street to the house on the corner.
There he does the same work again.
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biaoti{ font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:ffffff;color:#000000} 少儿英语小故事 1 少儿英语小故事:快乐的人 2 少儿英语小故事:Hospitals 3 少儿英语小故事:The Yardman 4 少儿英语小故事:Little mouse 5 少儿英语小故事:We are friends 6 少儿英语小故事:Its Good to Admit a Fault 7 少儿英语小故事:The eagle and the arrow 少儿英语小故事由英语网遥家整理,转载请注明出处。
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