

少儿英语圣经故事100:Be content知足

2016-02-26 00:00:00浏览:
少儿英语圣经故事100:Be content知足  Intro:Lets think together of 10 wonderful things the Lord Jesus has done for us:He gives us everlasting salvation when we believe in Him, He watches over us and protects us every minute, He supplies every need of food and shelter and clothing, of water and air.
He gives us families and schools and churches.
Oh, is that 10 already?
  With all the good things God does for us, surely it should be easy to obey His Word in Hebrews 13:5, our memory verse for today:  Presentation:Be content with such things as you have, for he has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Hebrews 13:5Explanation:Be content means be thankful and satisfied for what you already have.
  小朋友们, 让我们数10件主耶稣为我们做的较重要的事:当我们相信他的时候, 他就赐给我们永远的生命。
他每时每刻都在保护我们, 看顾我们。
他赐给我们一切的需要, 他让我们有地方住, 有食物吃, 有水喝, 有空气呼吸。
他给我们温暖的家, 有学校, 有教会。
想想主耶稣赐给我们这么多美好的东西, 他也给我们一个命令。
就那是希伯来书13:5你们存心遥贪爱遥财要以自己所有的为足, 因为主曾说『我总不撇下你, 也不丢你。
』   Content is the very opposite of covet which means wanting what someone else has.
He is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Application:If you have already believed on the Lord Jesus, He has come by His invisible Holy Spirit to live in you.
What a wonderful promise He makes to believers:  I will never leave you.
Jesus also promises He will supply all our needs, so we have a reason to be content.
However, even believers can begin to covet, when they start looking at the things others have and become envious and jealous, wanting those things for themselves.
God doesnt want us to covet, He wants us to be content!
  要以自己所有的为足就是对自己已经有的要知足, 并心存感恩。
如果你已经相信耶稣, 接受他作你的救主, 那么耶稣就以看不见的圣灵住在你里面。
因著这个原因, 我们就应该知足。
可是, 信主的人也会贪图别人的东西。
也许当他们看到别人有的东西, 就心生嫉妒, 心里也想要。
但神不愿意我们贪图别人的东西, 神让我们要心里满足。
  If you have never believed on Jesus, you can never be truly content until you ask Jesus to come into your life and save you from your sin.
Go now to How to Be a Child of God and see how you can ask Jesus to come in today.
Repetition:Will you write that verse down and repeat it every day this weeksinging it will help, so lets learn this tune:Be content with such things as you have, Be content with such things as you have, For He has said, I will never leave you.
Be content with such things as you have.
  如果你还没有相信耶稣, 你就不是神的孩子。
只有认识主耶稣, 让他进入你的生命, 你才会有满足。
请你去听怎样成为神的孩子 , 让耶稣遥就来满足你的心。
  让我们把遥的圣经经节写下来, 背下来, 反复地去思想。