少儿英语圣经故事73:Compain抱怨 That teacher gives too much homework! Why does my Mom make ME take out the trash all the time? Work, work, work, thats all I ever do. I never get to play like the other kids.
那个老师留这么多作业! 为什么我妈妈老让我倒垃圾? 功课,功课,一天到晚做功课,我从来没有象其他的小朋友一样玩。
Maybe YOU have said things like this before. Those kinds of remarks are called complaining or grumbling. Gods Word in Philippians 2:14 calls it murmurings. Lets read that verse together:Do all things without murmurings and disputings. Disputing means arguing. God says we are to do all that we do without complaining and arguing. Think back over your week. How many times have you complained, or argued?
也许你以前说过这样的话。 这叫做抱怨。 神的话在腓立比书第2章第14节叫它发怨言。 跟我一起来说这节圣经:凡所行的,都不要发怨言,起争论。 争论就是辩论,争吵。 神说我们所作的一切都不要抱怨,争论。 想想你在上一个星期,有没有发过怨言,与人争论呢?
Lets think of two C words. COMPLAINING is just the opposite of being CONTENT. Contented means being satisfied and thankful with what you have. If you could choose between a contented person or a complaining person, which would you choose for a best friend? Of course! Because its fun to be with a happy contented person. But who wants to listen to complaining and arguing?
让我们来看看两个都是以英文字母C开头的字:抱怨与满足。 这两个字的意思是相反的。 满足就是对于你已经拥有的感到知足,并心里感激。 如果有两个人,一个经常感到满足,另一个经常抱怨,你愿意选那一个做你的好朋友呢? 当然! 和一个经常快乐满足的人在一起是很有趣的。 谁喜欢一天到晚听别人的抱怨和争论呢?
If you have believed on the Lord Jesus, you are His child. What wonderful things He has done for you! You should be continually thanking Him with a contented heart. That will please your Lord so much, and cause others to want to believe on Jesus. When you are tempted to complain, pray, asking God to help you be satisfied with what you have. If you have a need, ask God your Heavenly Father, Who says He will supply your every need! And do all that you do with a thankful heart. God your wonderful Heavenly Father promises in Jeremiah, Call to me and I will answer you. God did NOT say, Complain to me and I will answer you. Be content with what God has given you. Having more things will never make you happy or content. But being thankful for what you already have will make you content. Will you this week think of all the ways God has already cared for you, and in prayer thank Him?
如果你相信主耶稣把你从罪中拯救出来,你就是神的孩子。 他为你作了何等奇妙的事! 你应该心里满足,经常感谢他。 这会非常讨主的喜悦,也会使别人看到你而愿意来相信耶稣。 有时,当你想要抱怨的时候,要祷告神,让神来帮助你数一数神对你的眷顾,使你对已经有的而感到满足。 如果你有需要,恳求天父我们的神,因为他说他会赐给你一切所需要得。 带着一个感恩的心来做每一件事。 我们的天父在耶利米书第29章第12节应许说:你们要呼求我,祷告我,我就应允你们。 神可没有说:向我抱怨,我就应允你们。 对于神所给你的要知足。 拥有更多的东西并不会使你快乐或满足。 但是对于你已经有的来感谢神就会使你感到满足。 在这个星期,你可以来数一数神对你的每一个眷顾,并在祷告中感谢他。
If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, you can never be really satisfied. There is a poem that says, You were born to find Gods love, Life has no other quest. Until your soul has reached that goal, Your heart will find no rest. There is no real rest or contentment without the Lord Jesus, Gods wonderful gift of love. Do you want to have that deepest need satisfied? If so, go now to How to Be a Child of God, and follow the instructions. Lets say that verse together again:Philippians 2:14 Do all things without murmurings and disputings. This CEF song will help us remember Gods Word!
如果你还没有相信主耶稣,你就从来不会有真正地满足。 有一首诗说:真神之爱,竭诚追寻,人生一叶小舟。 飘摇之魂,今已安稳,我心不再它求! 没有主耶稣-神爱的礼物, 就没有真正的安息和满足。 你愿意让你心里那较深的需要得到满足吗? 如果是,请你去听怎样能成为神的孩子,并照着去做。 让我们再回想一遍遥的圣经经节:腓立比书第2章第14节说, 凡所行的,都不要发怨言,起争论。