迪斯尼动画儿童英语故事《公主与青蛙》:回程惊遇大鳄鱼 【剧情简介】躲避了大鳄鱼之后,第二天早上,俩蛙继续吵吵闹闹地上路。 不想遥子的琴声却引来了另一头大鳄鱼
- Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty. Gators are gone. We got to get back to New Orleans. . . and undo this mess you got us into.
快起来了,睡美人! 鳄鱼都走了什么? 我们回新奥尔良解决你惹的这些麻烦
- I was not the one who parading around with your phony baloney tiara. Music de paddle bile.
我可不是听人使唤的小喽啰 我来给你伴奏吧
- Could use a little help!
- I will play a little louder.
哦! 那我弹大点声
- How about a little less piggin and a. . .
你还是别弹了. . .
- I know that tune! Dippermouth Blues.
- Play it, brother!
- Where youve been all my life? !
- Where did you learn to play like that?
- Well, the Bajous is the best jazz school in the world. All the greats play the riverboats. Oh, Louis give anything to be up there jamming with the big boys.
1. Rise and shine 起遥啦!
rise and shine表示起遥工作的意思,和太阳升起rise发光shine无关? 其实是指起身rise,然后士兵们穿上闪亮shining的靴子。 遥就只剩下起遥的意思了
2. undo this mess you got us into. 搞定你摆的这个烂摊子
3. Could use a little help! 你就不能搭个手么!
4. How about a little less piggin 能不能少在那儿好逸恶劳
5. Louis give anything to be up there jamming with the big boys. 路易斯要能跟那些大腕儿们一起演奏让咱干啥都愿意啊!