迪斯尼动画儿童英语故事《公主与青蛙》:真蛙告白 【剧情简介】假遥子原形毕露,被人抓走投入大牢;而纳威遥子乘机向夏洛特小姐说明了实情,虽然遥很难消化,想到能和遥子成婚,夏洛特立马就决定亲吻青蛙了
- Wait!
- 等一下!
- Tiana?
- 蒂安娜?
- Tiana?
- 蒂安娜?
- Dont do this.
- 别这么做
- I have to do this and we are running out of time!
- I wont let you!
- Its the only way to get you your dream!
- My dream? My dream wouldnt be complete. . . without you in it. I love you, Naveen.
我的梦想? 我的梦想如果没有你的存在是不完整的我爱你,纳文
- Warts and all?
- 心里话?
- Warts and all.
- 心里话
- All my life, I read about true love and fairytales, and. . . Tia, you found it! Ill kiss him! For you, honey! No marriage required
我一直期盼的童话爱情故事 蒂安娜,你找到了! 我会吻她,为了你,宝贝不需要跟我结婚
. Oh my word! M. . . maybe that olclocks a little fast! Im so sorry!
哦! 天啊! 也许这个老钟走快了! 我很抱歉
1. we are running out of time. 我们没时间了
run out of 缺少,没有
2. My dream wouldnt be complete. . . without you in it. 没有你在,我的梦想是不完整的。
3. Warts and all 毫无保留字面意思是疣和所有,疣是皮肤上生长出来的小疙瘩,据说这个词组来自于Oliver Cromwell画像的故事。 Cromwell让Peter Lely给他画像,那个年代的人画画一贯都是带有拍马溜须之嫌,尽量往美处画,所以Cromwell跟画师说,Mr Lely, I desire you would use all your skill to paint my picture truly like me, and not flatter me at all; but remark all these roughnesses, pimples, warts and everything as you see me, otherwise I will never pay a farthing for it. 要求他遥地作画,把脸上所有的粗糙丘疹疣都画出来,不要弄虚作假。 于是渐渐地,Warts and all就成了固定的习语,表示遥的,完整的,毫无保留的。
4. No marriage required 不需要婚姻遥
5. Oh my word 我的天哪