迪斯尼动画儿童英语故事《公主与青蛙》:浪漫烛光晚餐 【剧情简介】遥子为了向蒂亚娜表白,安排了浪漫的烛光晚餐,平日里淡定花心的他这会儿心神不宁紧张得不得了
- Where are you taking me?
- Oh, I just. . . wanted to show you little something to celebrate our last night together as frogs.
- Oh. . . All my years. No ones ever done anything like this for me.
- I. . . it is too much, isnt it? Um. . . Thank you, Bow.
是吧? 谢谢,老兄
- I thought it was a nice touch.
- Pretend you did not see that. Please, please sit down.
- Whats this?
- Ta-da!
- 你做的
- You minced!
- 没错!
- I did! You have had quite an influence on me. Which is amazing because I have dated thousands of women and. . . No, like two, three. . . just other women! And anyway, you could not be more different! You know, you are. . . you are practically, one of the guys! No no no! You are not a guy! Let me begin again! Uh. . . Ha. . . I am not myself tonight. Tiana! Sorry, that was loud
你对我的影响很大改变了我很多,我和很多女人交往过. . . 不是,两个,三个,反正就是别的女人,听着你也没有什么不同,知道吗? 你只是她们当中其中一个不,不,不,你不像她们,是这样的 我这是怎么了,蒂安娜! 对不起,太大声了
. This is a disaster.
- 真是一团糟
- No, its cute.
- 没有,你很可爱
1. Thank you, Bow. 多谢你了哈,遥结。
2. I thought it was a nice touch. 我觉得很锦上添花啊。
nice touch在英语口语里面有点睛之笔,或者锦上添花的意思,表示为了改善什么东西而添加的一些小细节。
3. Ta-da! 看哪!
口语中用于模仿喇叭的象声词,用于吸引别人注意然后给人看东西宣布事情之类的。 用得较好的莫过于WallE小盆友~~
4. You have had quite an influence on me. 你对我影响很大哦。
5. I am not myself tonight. 我今晚心神不定的。
经常会在日常对话里头听到Im not myself,直译就是我不是我自己。 觉得很奇怪吧? 其实就是跟我们说的魂不守舍差不多,根本不在状态的意思。