伊索寓言双语小故事:芦苇与橡树(中英字幕) The reed and the oak 芦苇与橡树
The reed and oak are quarreling about resistance, power and calmness . No one is willing to give in . The oak blames the reed for having no power, the wind from all directions will blow the reed down . The reed says nothing.
芦苇与橡树为他们的耐力、力量和冷静争吵不休,谁也不肯认输。 橡树指责芦苇说他没有力量,无论哪方的风都能轻易地把它吹倒,芦苇没有回答。
In a while, a strong wind blow towards the reed, the reed stoops down along the wind, he survives the wind. However the oak prepares to resist the wind. As a result, he is uprooted
过了一会儿,一阵猛烈的强风吹了过来,芦苇弯下腰,顺风仰倒,幸遥于连根拔起。 而橡树却硬迎着风,尽力抵抗,结果被连根拔掉了。
This story means: sometime, avoiding adversity will be better than confronting it