伊索寓言双语小故事:狼与老太婆(中英字幕) The wolf and the old woman 狼与老太婆
A hungry wolf is searching for food everywhere. When he comes to a cottage,he hears a child crying . An old woman fusses and say to the little child:Stop crying! Otherwise,i will throw you to the wolf . hearing this and the wolf believes that and waited outside.
一只饥饿的狼四处寻找食物,当他来到一家农舍时,忽然听到小孩子的哭声,一个老太婆吓唬小孩说:快别哭了,不然哪我马上把你扔出去喂狼。 狼听见了,信以为真,便站在门口等着。
The day becomes darker. He hears the old woman coaxing the child:Good baby ,if the wolf comes ,i will kill him . having heard this ,the wolf says :This old woman,why does she say this but do that ?
天渐渐地黑了,他又听见那老太婆逗哄那小孩子说:好宝宝,好宝宝,如果有狼来呀,我就遥了他。 狼听了这话以后,一边跑一边说:这个老太婆怎么说的是一套,做的又是另一套呢?
This story is suitable for those people who are double-dealing .