New Law for Taco Trucks 《365个英语小故事》:实用简洁的小故事,都是日常生活小故事,在学习英语的同时了解美国文化,循序渐进,轻松掌握。
Taco trucks cannot remain parked in the same location for more than an hour, according to a new Los Angeles city law. They cannot return to that location for three hours. In the past, they could not remain parked in the same location for more than two hours. Restaurant owners complain that the taco trucks are stealing their customers, because taco truck food is faster and cheaper. Plus, they dont have to pay taxes or get health inspections.
Lawyer Phil Greenberg says the time limit is unenforceable. The two-hour law was never enforced by the city, so whats the point of changing it to one hour? he asked. The city has more important things to do than ticket these hard workers. What about all the potholes, the graffiti, the homeless, and the gangs? LA is almost $400 million in debt. The mayor has already said hes going to lay off 767 city employees. There wont be anyone left to enforce the new parking law. There are thousands of taco trucks in this city.
The penalty for the first violation of the new law is $100; the second violation can result in a maximum $1,000 fine and six months in jail. One angry truck owner said, This is a racist law. All of us taco truck owners are Latinos. Our trucks are an important part of the history and culture of Los Angeles. Thirty of us have already agreed to park our trucks in the same spot all day long. If a law is illegal, it is our duty as good citizens to ignore it. City residents who want to support taco trucks can visit saveourtacotrucks. org.