幼儿启蒙英语儿歌推荐:咯咯嘎嘎 英语网整理《幼儿启蒙英语儿歌推荐:咯咯嘎嘎》,大家可以根据歌名去网上下载。 不要觉得宝宝听不懂就不做,学习本身就是从不会到会的过程。 家长在幼儿启蒙英语上一定不要有心急的想法,耐心耕耘,时间到了自然会有收获。
Gobble gobble
Gobble,gobble,gobble, quack,quack,quack
A turkey says gobble. A duck says quack
咯咯咯,嘎嘎嘎。 火鸡叫咯咯咯,
Ring around the rosy
Ring around ro-sy. A pocket full of po-sies.
Run around ro-sy. A pocket full of po-sies.
Walk around ro-sy. A pocket full of po-sies.
Hop around ro-sy. A pocket- full of po-sies.
Jump around ro-sy. A pocket full of po-sies.
Tiptoe around r-osy. A pocket full of po-sies.
A shes, a shes, we all fall down.
跑啊跑。 。 。 走啊走。 。 。 单脚跳。 。
双脚跳。 。 。 踮脚悄悄走