


2016-02-26 00:00:00浏览:
【英语启蒙】大家一起学发音:[u]该怎么发  Video Text:   The [u] sound.
This is very related to the [] as in butter, but theres a difference in the tongue position, and a difference in the lip position.
What the tongue does, is it comes more forward than it does for the uh {butter} sound, and it also raises a little bit in the back.
But it doesnt touch the roof of the mouth.
Uh, uh.
So it comes up a little bit in the back and then forward.
The lips, as you can see, uh, they come out a little bit, and the corners come in just a little bit.
Uh {butter}, uh {full}, uh {butter}, uh {full}.
Uh, butter -- uh, should, could, full.
[u], [u].
至于唇形,正如你所见,[u], 嘴唇稍稍往外张,嘴角也略微往中间收。
[], butter -- [u], should, could, full.
  Sample words:   full   充满的   could   能   Sample sentence:   You should look at that womans foot.
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