


2016-03-02 00:00:00浏览:
阶梯英语歌谣:我跳得很高  【导语】儿童较早接触的文学样式就是儿歌,而儿童对英语的听力接触也是通过儿歌。
  I can jump so high.
Can you touch the leaves?
  我可以跳的很高 你能摸到树叶吗?
  Yes,I can touch the leaves.
  可以,我可以摸到树叶   I can jump so high.
Can you reach the sky?
  我可以跳的很高 你可以摸到天空吗?
  No,I can not reach the sky.
  不,我不能摸到天空   I can run so fast.
Can you run pass the dog?
  我可以跑得很快 你可以超过那条狗吗?
  Yes,I can run pass the dog.
  可以,我可以超过那条狗   I can run so fast.
Can you run pass the car?
  我可以跑得很快 你可以超过那辆车吗?
  No,I cant run pass the car.
  不,我不能超过那辆车   I can count fine.
Can you count to ten?
  我很会数数 你可以数到10吗?
  Yes,I can count to ten.
  可以,我可以数到10   one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten.
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10   Can you count to ten again?
  Yes,I can count to ten again.
  可以,我可以再数一遍   one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten.
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10