游周洛听爸爸妈妈说要带我去周洛,我兴奋不已。 I was excited to hear my parents say they would take me to zhouluo. 到了周洛,听到泉水发出的哗哗的流水声,我和小伙伴们急忙脱下鞋,跳进去感受泉水的清凉。 第二天早上,我和爸爸来到云雾缭绕的青山脚下,爸爸说:“谁先爬上,谁就能当神仙。 ”结果,我只爬了一半就累了,爸爸一个人上山当了神仙。 下午,我们来到半仙庵瀑布,这里的景遥真壮观,让我不禁想起了“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银何落九天。 ”的诗句。 When we arrived in zhouluo, we heard the sound of the spring water. We took off our shoes and jumped in to feel the cool of the spring. The next morning, my father and I came to the foot of the misty green mountain. My father said, "Whoever climbs first will become a fairy. " As a result, I was only half tired after climbing. My father went up the mountain alone and became a fairy. In the afternoon, we came to banxian'an waterfall. The scenery here is so spectacular that I can't help but think of "three thousand feet of flying water, I wonder if silver falls into nine days. " Verse. 这真是我难忘的第遥旅行呀! This is my unforgettable first trip!