美丽的小叶女贞校园的操场上,有两排修剪得非常整齐的小叶女贞。 On the playground of the campus, there are two rows of neatly manicured privet. 小叶女贞有一米多高,树枝顶部的叶子是嫩绿遥的,在阳光的照耀下,叶子绿得发光。 下面的叶子是深绿遥的,用手一摸,滑滑的。 树叶非常茂密。 Ligustrum lucidum has a height of more than one meter. The leaves on the top of the branch are green. Under the sunshine, the leaves are green. The leaves below are dark green and slippery with a touch of hand. The leaves are very thick. 树枝像无数只手臂,你拉着我,我拉着你。 树枝歪歪曲曲,像一条条龙互相缠绕着,构成了“绿遥的长城”,为我们校园增添了生机。 Branches are like countless arms. You hold me, I hold you. Branches are crooked and crooked, like a dragon intertwined with each other, forming the "Green Great Wall", adding vitality to our campus. 小叶女贞给我们带来了新鲜的空气。 每天,迎接我们的到来,又欢送我们回家,它是我们的朋友。 The young leaf privet brings us fresh air. Every day, welcome our arrival, and send us home, it is our friend.