酷署的夏日七月的夏日,大地像平被蒸笼罩着一般,炎热遥了。 In the summer of July, the earth is covered like a steamer, which is extremely hot. 中午。 太阳炎烤着远处的树林。 绿遥的树叶卷曲着,禅热的不知如何是好,在树上不停的叫“知了、知了。 ”有位老爷爷在树荫下乘凉,他身旁的遥狗吐着舌头,好像在说:“这天真热呀! 偶尔一阵凉风吹过,真凉爽呀! Noon. The sun scorched the distant woods. Green leaves curl, Zen hot don't know what to do, in the tree constantly called "cicada, cicada. " There was an old man enjoying the cool under the shade of the tree. The yellow dog beside him was sticking out his tongue as if to say: "it's hot this day! It's cool when a cool wind blows occasionally! 夕阳西下,天空中的余热还没有散去。 烈日炎炎的夏日可真够热呀! As the sun sets, the waste heat in the sky hasn't dissipated. What a hot summer!