风儿我家窗前常常刮风。 It's often windy in front of my window. 温暖的风吹来时,带来了浓浓的花香,我知道春天来了。 When the warm wind blows, it brings a strong fragrance of flowers. I know spring is coming. 炎热的风吹来时,扑面一种窒息的热浪,我知道夏天来了。 When the hot wind blows, there is a kind of suffocating heat wave on my face. I know summer is coming. 凉爽的风吹来时,漫天的金遥树叶随风吹落,我知道秋天来了。 When the cool wind blows, the golden leaves all over the sky fall with the wind, I know autumn is coming. 寒冷的风吹来时,雪花飘飞,我知道冬天来了。 When the cold wind blows, the snow flies. I know winter is coming. 风儿能刮出四季,真了不起! It's amazing that the wind can make four seasons!