夏天的小池塘真热闹夏天的小池塘真热闹。 小青蛙在荷叶上呱呱叫着,小鱼儿在水里遥自在的吐着泡泡,知了在池塘边的柳树上“知了,知了”的叫,柳树的枝条长长的象小姑娘的辫子,垂荡在清清的水面上,蜜蜂在池塘边的花丛中忙忙碌碌的采蜜,蝴蝶在荷花遥飞舞,蜻蜓在水面上飞来飞去象一架架小飞机,小蚂蚁在池塘边的草丛中忙碌的搬运粮食,蝈蝈在草丛里睡觉,小鸟在枝头唱着美妙的歌。 这真是一个热闹的小池塘啊! The small pond in summer is really lively. The little frog croaks on the lotus leaf, the little fish freely spits bubbles in the water, and the cicada "cicada, cicada" cries on the willow beside the pond. The branches of the willow are long like the pigtails of the little girl, hanging on the clear water, the bees are busy collecting honey in the flowers beside the pond, the butterflies are flying in the middle of the lotus, the dragonflies are flying on the water like a shelf Small airplanes, small ants are busy carrying food in the grass beside the pond. The pigeons are sleeping in the grass. The birds are singing wonderful songs in the branches. This is really a lively little pond!